I am trying to install a new Wordpress. I want to view the website and get the plugins installed before I move the site over from the old server. In order for me to do that I need to set up the new site. In previous servers, I could view the install via a direct link to the home directory.
I tried that, but it loads the proper domain so it is taking me to the current (old) website. I need to install the plugins on the new Wordpress install on infinityfree.com
As you can see, there is no obvious way to see how to load the root URL to view the website outside of the domain URL. If it is obvious, I cannot figure it out.
Okay genius. I’ve done that. Now I want to configure the website through the admin panel. But every time I click on the login to the admin area, it goes to the current/old server.
So how do I configure the existing one so I can upload the old one’s settings and overwrite the defaults.
Okay. I think I figured it out. I have two different accounts. One I have with these guys is Premium. This is not that account. I will log into that account and retry. If that works, then I will return here and let you know.
Yes. I used IFastNet and bought premier for $20 a year. That’s what I want to use. I think that these guys are the same people. So now that I figured that out, I have another issue. Always one thing.
If you are now using an ifastnet premium account you will now need to ask for support on ifastnet as only they have access to the premium accounts, infinityfree only have access to free hosting accounts
While we don’t have those mod_userdir style preview URLs, you can preview your website by editing your website’s host file. That way, you can make it so that if you access your website from your computer, you’ll access it on our hosting, while everyone else will still access it on your old server.
Many people also choose to setup their website on a free subdomain first, and shift it to their own domain later. But moving and re-configuring your website later can be tricky too.