Various website IPs are down

Thanks for giving and Update.

Now it is clear to me that the these IP’s is the problem.

I think this IP aswell

I tried to ping this but no response

My bad, does not exist, it should indeed by

Our servers all block ping by default. So even if everything is working as it should, you can’t ping the server.

mmmmm, i hope it will solve it! :slight_smile:

I hope the banner is more affective :slight_smile:

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I just added an update.


And what about my website?.. (IP: - URL: - Forum: Error Blank Website - #40 by VideojuegosEstudiosC )

Your website is on a different IP address than those listed here and is experiencing different symptoms than those listed here. So it seems pretty clear to me that it’s probably unrelated.

My site is down now.

I am, my site is not working either. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

The IP was down for about an hour yesterday as far as I can tell. This was fixed quickly.



My website

Is still down :frowning:

Your site is not down. You need to clear your cache.

my website has been down for weeks. unable to log into cpanel, and when i try to go to my website it says ‘error establishing database connection’. a few weeks ago it would even connect. my ip is

That IP is working, so your issue is unrelated. Please create a new topic so we can help you further.

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I’m closing this topic. For every who has posted here in the last few days, please remember that:

  • Websites that do work is normal. Most websites do work most of the time.
  • The original post has a list of affected IP addresses. If your website is not on one of those IPs, you’re probably not affected by this outage.
  • The original post has a list of known symptoms. If you are having a different error than what’s described there, it’s probably not caused by this outage.
  • This issue was resolved last week Wednesday. I left the topic open for people to ask relevant questions, not as a dumping ground for people to respond with various clearly unrelated issues.

If you are still having trouble right now, please follow the regular support process. Which means:

  1. Check the knowledge base for relevant articles.
  2. Check the forum for relevant posts.
  3. If there are no relevant topics or articles, please create a new topic in the Hosting Support category and describe the issue there.

The issue was resolved. The issue occurred on the IP addresses listed in the first topic