Using free plan to host an IoT dashboard , SSE used

hello , i’m receiving data from an ESP32 through SSE ( server sent events ) I will host the HTML dashboard on infinityfree free plan , is there any problem or restrictions ?

That won’t work, IF is only a webhosting provider.


Whether this could work depends on where the IoT data is stored and how that data should end up on the web page.

The key point is that you can’t use our website hosting as a data storage platform for your IoT project. We don’t allow access to websites from clients which are not browsers, you can’t connect to the database remotely, and their are usage limits on the FTP server that should block you from publishing data that way (because the FTP server is for website administration, not automatic data uploads).

You may be able to host the dashboard with us. But then fetching the data must be done either from PHP code connecting to the actual data store, or by Javascript code running in the browser that fetches the data from the data store. You cannot host the data store with us.


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