Upload data to mySql database


is read here:

and its claimed that its not possible to send data from extern to the mysql database?
I want to send sensor data with my microcontroller to my created mySql database.

This is my database:

My user name

Error Message

there is no error message. seems that its connecting but in the my sql database never arrives.

Many thanks in advance for any help,

Hi Christoph,

If your microcontroller does not run JavaScript to connect first, then it won’t be able to post anything to your application.

Read more about it here:



(Nevermind, there’s a difference between remote MySQL and APIs)

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That is by design. Please understand that we provide hosting for websites, i.e. things that produce pages that are viewed in web browsers. To help enforce this, we have this security system:

Our hosting is not intended for IoT data collection services, and you’ll have a very hard time if you try to use our hosting for it.

Personally, I would go with a small, cheap, low power home server, like a Raspberry Pi, to handle the data collection. If only for the privacy benefit of the data not leaving my own network.


Than you very much vor this detailed answer :slightly_smiling_face:
Will have a look for a home server on my raspberry pi.

Nice regards,

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