my website also not showing index webpage after 72 hours. website is ( please admin check & reply.
@madhav1412 You’d be better starting your own thread, rather than hijacking someone elses
but to answer your question, When I follow your link, after a few redirects I land on this page
is that what you expected?
yes @dan3008. I want this rediection
I mean that everytime will be open not shubhashrey website
I checked your site, but now all I see is our default welcome page. I don’t get any redirect.
I also don’t understand why you would get a redirect like that, unless you configured it yourself.
Strangely enough, thats what I’m getting now too… earlier it redirected me to
I just visited and get the default page
I hard refreshed many times but couldn’t reproduce the redirect
I don’t want that redirection, but my index.php file is not opening.
it looks like your index.php does not exist
can you post a screen shot of your htdocs
if you are using the monsta file manager then please take care not to show the url as that would give away your password !
sir please have a look. it’s working now. but after uploading dbconnect.php file, a blank page appearing. so i am deleting dbconnect.php file. let me know, if this will happen. so how can i connect my database.
judging by the bunch of comments like this inside your code
You used HTTRACK to copy someone’s website,
so don’t be surprised why it leads to that location (original location/domain).
The original address is mentioned several times in the code itself.
Do you know that’s a copyright violation?
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