Unable to request SSL certificate

Website URL


Error Message

The domain www.theitcouncil.com.au is not on your hosting accounts!

Is the domain www.theitcouncil.com.au supposed to be hosted with us? Please check your submitted domain name for typos.
If this is your domain name, feel free to continue, but you will not be able to use automatic CNAME setup or automatic certificate installation.

Other Information


I have a website called www.theitcouncil.com.au which is currently hosted at crazydomains, but I built it and published it via site.pro.

I am trying to setup a SSL certificate for it but when I try to request the certificate, I am getting this error under current destination field: (no CNAME found) not Ready.

Please help, thanks a lot.

In order to request SSL certificates from here, you have to host your website here.


It looks like you ran into a bug in our panel.

The issue is that you requested an SSL certificate for www.theitcouncil.com.au, not for theitcouncil.com.au. This should not have been possible in the first place, but it appears that it was anyway due to a bug.

Please go back and request an SSL certificate for theitcouncil.com.au instead. The subdomain www.theitcouncil.com.au is automatically included.

Doing it the other way around doesn’t work.


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