Unable to get SSL certificate even the records are ok


(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

Error Message

SSL certificate error: The provider encountered an error verifying the DNS settings of your domain name. Please double check your nameserver settings and try again later.

Error detail: DNS problem: looking up TXT for _acme-challenge.iepcindia.net: DNSSEC: DNSKEY Missing: validation failure <_acme-challenge.iepcindia.net. TXT IN>: No DNSKEY record from for key iepcindia.net. while building chain of trust

Other Information

Surprised with this issue as all records are ok current and destination records are showing same & ready. Kindly HELP.

You seem to have mixed domain nameservers.

Please set only infinityfree nameservers to avoid conflict.

Dear [jaikrishna.t]
I have checked and used proper Name server( Bro - I have that much of knowledge) thats why my website is working.
it is something else.

if you want i can share all details with you to check

Please disable DNSSEC


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