Trying to install wordpress : error 404


I have been trying to install wordpress for 2 hours unsuccessfuly.

I’ve used softaculous to do it.

But now when I try to access to or, it always says " 404! We couldn’t find that page."

Could you give me some help ?

Thank you !

I just noticed I can access to the site from another IP adress connection. From my iphone with 4G for example. But not from my PC connected to my wifi, whatever the browser, firefox, chrome, edge. And I you wonder, I erased my cache.

@nclbrs said:
I just noticed I can access to the site from another IP adress connection. From my iphone with 4G for example. But not from my PC connected to my wifi, whatever the browser, firefox, chrome, edge. And I you wonder, I erased my cache.

You can erase some cache (browser cache, local DNS cache) but you cannot erase the cache of the DNS system of your ISP. If they tell your computer the wrong IP address of your website, then it won’t load either.

it works now but there are security alerts for IP which are connecting to the website for the first time, you need to add the certificate etc etc

How can I avoid that ?

@nclbrs said:
it works now but there are security alerts for IP which are connecting to the website for the first time, you need to add the certificate etc etc

I’m sorry, but which security alerts are you talking about? Are security errors being logged in your website and visible to you? Or do visitors see errors when trying to access your website?