Troubles to Start on the website

I’ve uploaded the .html and .css file through the file manager in the proper place but when writing my web domain the browser change direction to _ and outputs:

403 Forbidden
The website’s configuration prevents you from accessing this page.

I’ve disabled adblock and also tried with different browsers, but same output.

My recently created website is _

Would you give me any advice please?

Did you make sure to name the homepage index.html and to put it in the right folder?

I didn’t know about index.html. But still troubling: 404 not found

I guess this has to do with the 72 hours. But yet, should the CSS file do its work? I’ve uploaded it as randomname.css

Yesterday I set up the web application “Pictagr”. The same thing appeared to me as it did to you. All you have to do is wait 24 hours or so to activate the DNS of your website. It’s the only one I see InfinityFree against. Otherwise, when you have your website, it will be fine.

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