Trolls Getting Past .htaccess, 'IP Blocker', & Cloudflare

I’ve updated my .htaccess to include the ranges OxyDac pointed out, and subscribed to

I’m a graphic designer, the polar opposite of a coding wiz. I’ve spent a couple weeks perusing google results from the last year on the latest coding tips & tricks for writing .htaccess, and not a damned one of them mentioned the new lexicon (< RequireAll >, etc). Is there a site / link anyone can recommend that has a tutorial that’s not completely obsolete to what’s running on this server?

Likewise, I’ve tried boning up on what to ban when trying to exclude bad apples from my sites. I’ve found range calculators, and many tutorials, and so far gives the most comprehensive details on tracing. But, beyond the known IP and IP range of the scum I want to block, I’ve not found one tutorial that explains a thing about what else I should be blocking.

ASN? IPV6? I’ve seen them mentioned dozens of times when researching what to block, but not one explanation of how/where to find that info, why and when I should block it, much less HOW to successfully block it. Does anyone know of a tutorial on IP/Range blocking that’s as comprehensive and point-blank as OxyDac’s write-up on protecting a site from EP overload? (How to protect your website that is on Cloudflare plus Logs)