This site can’t be reached

My website URL is:

What I’m seeing is: This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.



I’m using this software: Wordpress

Additional information:

I just migrated my wordpress site recently to infinityfree hostting servers.

I’m also unable to install wordpress through softaculous

Please read this:


Also, your domain name is not pointing to the nameservers. Please change them to,,,, and from your domain registrar’s nameservers management panel.


Thanks, I have changed the name servers to,
my site is still not accessible

you have to wait up to 72 hours till its DNS changes


Okay, I will wait till then.

One more thing.I’m unable to install wordpress

any errors that display?

The following errors were found :

  • The path of the domain you selected could not be found.


You need to add the domain from the “Addon Domains” section of the Control Panel if you want to use Softaculous.


I appreciate… Done… :+1::+1::+1::+1:
Wordpress now installed successfully, site not showing yet.

was asked to wait for 72 hours.

While I wait for the account … please, how do I migrate my emails from my former host?

Migrating emails to or from free hosting is not possible, sadly. Email migration is usually done either by copying the emails through IMAP, or by migrating the email storage. Both methods are inaccessible on free hosting.

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My site is now visible… But;

1). It’s showing site NOT SECURE.
How do I make it https secure?

2). How do I restore it to my old site

You can install a SSL certificate from one of the supported and signed SSL certificate vendors with these instructions or configure Cloudflare for your website, either from cPanel or adding the domain after signing up here. After doing that, wait some time, and make sure on your WordPress Settings to have HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP ones!

You can always uninstall the fresh copy of WordPress from Softaculous, and with a FTP client upload your WordPress complete backup (it must contain WordPress files already, not be a backup generated by a backup generator) on yourdomain/htdocs, create a new database, with phpMyAdmin import the database backup, and edit your wp-config.php file to contain the new database host, database name, username and password.

Thanks for the help soo far…
I have now successfully secured my site with Cloudflare https.

But I’m now having difficulty installing UPDRAFTPLUS plugin for my Wordpress site. the plugin is needed to restore my site from my former host.

I kept getting this error msg
“The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”

please help

Your site shows up as does not exist for me currently.

@jweaver, that website for me is working. For you it may be a DNS caching issue, so you need to clear your cookies and cache and/or configure on your device.

@Olayemi-Peter, you may need to download the fresh zip of your plugin searching on plugin repository the name of the plugin you want, click on it and on Download, extract it on your computer, and upload the extracted folder on yourdomain/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/ with a FTP client, overwriting the existing files.
Also, seen that this hosting has an execution time of 20 second and a file size limit of 10 MBs, it may not be possible to use a backup plugin to install a backup of your website here. It’s better to download all your WordPress files from your old provider (and use the database export tool of your old phpMyAdmin to export the contents of the database), uninstall WordPress from Softaculous, upload with a FTP client the WordPress files downloaded from your old provider to yourdomain/htdocs, create a new database and import the existing contents, and then modify the wp-config.php file to include the new database host, database name, username and password.

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@Ergastolator1 I did and I attempted to use and same result.

Then there are most likely problems with your Internet connection.

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