The SSL certificate never installing

Website URL

Error Message

Says it will be installed in 15 minutes but is never installed.

Other Information

I really just want to test but infinity seems to have many issues…

Hi and welcome to the forum! You’ll also need to do this:

Only installing a SSL certificate isn’t enough to make your website automatically use HTTPS.


I have the .htaccess file inside my htdocs with the same as in the link you provided, however still, the website does not use ssl and under the SSL certificate for it says Status Not Found addtionally about 30 minutes ago i clicked on install automatically but nothing happend

and I get This site can’t provide a secure connection sent an invalid response.

  • [Try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


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Works under HTTPS


Thats so weird guess its my cache then since in the sslCertificates it says not found thanks!

Nope I get this

And when specifically entering it says again This site can’t provide a secure connection

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It just works and works and works… for me.

So unfortunately, I cannot tell what is exactly wrong. Did you cleared your cache already?


Yes, including using online ssl testing sites, everyone of which says there is an error

Whatever I give up

I’ve taken a look as well, and it all seems to be working too.

Try running in a private\incognito browsing session to make sure its not a plugin or cashing issue (i know you’ve cleared your cache, but trust me, sometimes computers can be daft like that)


The reason you get both the SSL error and the “We couldn’t find that page” error is because of DNS caching.

I see you removed the domain name from one account, and then assigned it to a new account. This new account has a different IP address, which means it requires a DNS change to point that subdomain to the new hosting account. You don’t need to do anything for that, everything is handled automatically by us, but it does mean that it will take up to 72 hours for your website to start working on the new domain name.

So there is nothing wrong or broken. What you see is just how the internet works.


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