Taking more time on DNS Caching, exceeded 72 hours after Domain added

Website URL


Error Message

Showing ads on domain


The ads you are seeing is the domain remaining parked to BODIS. DNS propagation doesn’t take 72 hours perfectly, it could take more or less.

I’m looking at the visible DNS records and it appears some records are still pointing to the bodis page.

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Please remove domain from hosting account then add it in again


It showed the error: This appears to be a subdomain
So I created new account,and added domain: videos-download.online

Looking good now


The site isn’t working yet for me. However, since you added the domain to your account only a few hours ago, please note that it can take up to 72 hours for domains to become visible. And yes: this applies to any chance in DNS records, even removing and recreating your domain.


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