Many issues get solved and the threads stay there.
Now, since the forum is upgraded, we have a wonderful option, that makes the threads that require our attention no more, look different than ones that need to be resolved.
The next time you feel a sense of relief, after gettiing rid of that anoyying page, which had stopped you from advancing with your website creation goals, click the smooth button and see how you personally helped make this forum more clear
Good call! The Solved button really helps make it easier for other people with the same issue to get help.
However, this option is only enabled for the Support Forums category. So please make sure to put any requests for help with anything related to the hosting in that category.
When you experience a problem give a quick look to the recent topics or use the search function to search for an answer to an issue that might have already been resolved in the past.
If you are unsure about your issue and cannot find a similiar thread, then make your own, but create individual threads for individual problems instead of posting in topics related to another topic.