cogu onlarin demo content daha hazir degil yeni yeni urunleri aldik ekleme yapiyoruz
ancak ben herseyi codecanyondan satin aldim

codecanyondan resim üzerine çalışmıyor sonuçta :slight_smile: bu sitenizde resim barındırma hakkını size vermez.resimlerin kodlamasını yapan kişiyi bilmeniz lazım

zaten website bakim asamasinda resimler birkac gun icerisinde kaldirilacak ama cogu resim bizim gercek urunlerimizin resmi ve sadece arkaplan kaldirilmis sekli

sizin olsa bile fark etmiyor.çünkü sitenizde dosya paylaşımı var.resimleri istediğim gibi çekebiliyorum yine kurala aykırı.dediğim gibi eğer dosya paylaşımı vs olmuyacaksa veritabanı niye var :slight_smile:

@usmannn @ibrahim59090

This is an ENGLISH forum,not your native language forum…
Please post in English


Mood. Aren’t Turkmanistan and Turkey different countries?

1 Like

There is a difference in dialect.

but this friend knows Turkish well


hi. Do we need to edit .htaccses for ssl?

You shouldn’t reply to me -_-

Editing .htaccess may help but isn’t necessary. To get SSL, you only need to install an SSL certificate. To make sure your visitors all use SSL, you need to redirect all visitors to HTTPS. You can do this with .htaccess rules, but other methods are available.


5 posts were split to a new topic: SSL force to HTTPS

Yes Turkey is located in Middle East ut Turkmenistan is located in Central Asia

I new website :tada:

You are invited too why it is suspended

What does the client area say the reason is? And what does the client area say you should do to learn more about it, and what to do to get your account back?

I don’t think if he has access to that website.

I didn’t know there was a limit to this: S

There is a php / apache limit

I switched to another server :slight_smile:


Just a friendly reminder : We do not allow advertising on our forums, good luck with sharing your site on social media but here is not a place for advertising.