Hello InfinityFree Team
I Have Recently Make Website on your Website But I Make Website For Create Telegram Bot Using Webhook But I Have Installed SSL Certificate But When I Set Webhook It Say "last_error_message": "SSL error {error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed}", "max_connections": 40,
Plz Help Me For Set Webhook and Installed SSL Properly
SSL support on free hosting is limited. This generally doesn’t cause issues for web browsers, but may cause issues for any automated tools trying to access your website. This article explains more about that:
However, even without that, you wouldn’t be able to host your Telegram bot with us. That’s because we provide website hosting, meaning things hosted by us can only be accessed by browsers. Automated access, such as webhooks, are blocked:
Please consider upgrading to premium hosting, which doesn’t have these restrictions.
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