I have create the CNAME records as instructed in both the DNS of the Infinity control panel
[can’t post without removing this image]
and in the DNS of the Easily.uk portal where the website URL is hosted with the nameservers pointing to ns1 . epizy . com & ns2 . epizy . com [extra spaces to stop Markdown thinking it’s a link]
[sorry can’t upload a 2nd image]
Error Message
on the verify page |Current Destination11776.bodis.com never changes from Not Ready
I’ve tried this twice using both GoGetSSL & ZeroSSL but still can’t get a certificate to upload
Ok, I was on mobile before, but now I am back on a computer and am able to check your site.
Your nameservers looks a bit off. If you are using byet nameservers, do not use the epizy ones. If you are using epizy ones, do not use byet ones.
Since you are using InfinityFree nameservers, InfinityFree manages your DNS zone. Therefore, you need to add the CNAME records in place where the client area tells you to out them, in the control panel.