SQL105 and SQL310 are down

**My website URL is:intuit19.ml **

**What I’m seeing is: Due to some technical issues My whole database is lost /something i can’t retrieve. So, kindly give me my database backup in SQL format **

My Database name: epiz_24475202_w777
Database user : 24475202_1
Database Password: vh3bpj7c
Database Host : sql112.byetcluster.com
MySQL hostname: sql310.epizy.com

**Additional information: Kindly Retrieve my database backup in SQL format (@Admin ).Its is very Urgent to be done ASAP. Please me @Admin **

A few points to note.

NEVER EVER SHARE YOUR PASSWORDS IN A PUBLIC FORUM. Please update your database credentials immediately, or people can steal your data!

Second, if there is a topic about a system issue, please keep the discussions about the system issue in that topic.

As for your question itself, please note the following paragraph in the original topic:

As far as we can tell, the hardware failure has not resulted in the data on the database servers being corrupted or lost. However, iFastNet staff was unable to extract the data from the servers before the hardware failed entirely.

In other words, we don’t have access to your data either. If we did, we could quickly rebuild the databases on other hardware so you wouldn’t have to wait for so many days for the databases to come back online. But we don’t have access to the data. So unless you have backups of your database yourself, the only copy of your data is on disks which we can’t access right now.

Also, there is something odd about the information you shared, specifically

Database Host : sql112.byetcluster.com
MySQL hostname: sql310.epizy.com

The “database host” and “mysql hostname” are different words for the same thing, and accounts only ever have one “MySQL Database Server Host Name”. So one of these values is not correct.

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