in the tables or selects that have the data source from the database the special characters like “~” are not showing. i even applied the htmlspecialchars(), but its not doing anything.
this an part from the code of an table that i have and this is how i apply the htmlspecialcharacters():
$cell_data = htmlspecialchars($source_t[$i][$h_columns[$j]],true);
if (strtoupper($h_columns[$j])=="ESTADO")
<div class=checkbox-wrapper-35>
<input type = hidden name = bk_mode_id[] value = ". ((boolval($cell_data) == true) ? "true" : "false") .">
<input type = hidden name = mode_id[] value = ". ((boolval($cell_data) == true) ? "true" : "false") .">
<input name=check_mode[] id=state_". $source_t[$i]['ID'] ." type=checkbox class=switch
".((boolval($cell_data) == true) ? "checked" : "")." onclick = hide_show_bt(this) value =". ((boolval($cell_data) == true) ? "true" : "false") .">
<label for=state_". $source_t[$i]['ID'] .">
<span class=switch-x-toggletext>
<span class=switch-x-unchecked><span class=switch-x-hiddenlabel>Unchecked: </span>Fechada</span>
<span class=switch-x-checked><span class=switch-x-hiddenlabel>Checked: </span>Aberta</span>
echo "<td>$cell_data</td>";