[Solved] Phpbb3 ACP. Mbstring.http_input must be left empty

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Error Message

HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured
mbstring.http_input must be left empty. You can check the current value on the PHP information page.

Other Information

sebul.sarang.net/BB 's Administration Control Panel say

HTTP input character conversion is improperly configured
mbstring.http_input must be left empty. You can check the current value on the PHP information page.

No issue

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It is an issue of Administration Control Panel of my phpBB3
I attached my screenshot

It is better for you to reach out to phpBB for support



Hi Sebuls,

The mbstring.http_input is a PHP runtime configuration and it is hosting-related. It is correct to ask here.


But for your case, in short, you can simply ignore this error because the setting it’s complaining for no longer exists/functional on PHP 8.2 as it is a deprecated feature.

For the complete answer, you simply need to satisfy phpBB, you can always add the following 2 lines in the .htaccess of your root folder. It does not actually do anything, but it should remove the error if phpBB can read these values only to determine if mbstring is installed (it is installed by default).

In your .htaccess (in your domain’s root and not phpBB’s) add the following two lines:

php_value mbstring.http_input pass
php_value mbstring.http_output pass

Let us know if you have any further questions.



By default, the mbstring.http_input is set to an empty string. However, if you have ever used the Alter PHP Config option in the control panel, it will have likely injected a .htaccess rule that overrides the default server configuration.

Annoyingly, the Alter PHP Config tool in the control panel does not let you not configure anything for the mbstring.http_input setting, it must be set to something.

So for now, I would suggest to open the htdocs folder for your website in the file manager, edit the .htaccess file and remove the line that says php_value mbstring.http_input auto.

Please do note that any time you use the Alter PHP Config menu in the control panel, this line will be restored. You could try to use the PHP Options menu in the client area instead, which doesn’t set this setting.


Thank you. I edit .htaccess file. Error message disappeared.

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