Softaculous "SquirrelMail"

@ChrisPAR i cant get postfix to send foward me a email or resend im not sure what it does, just i cant get it to work. Does it work?

Premium hosting does have cPanel, and only has RoundCube as a webmail option. There used to be more options in the past, but only RoundCube seems to be actively releasing new versions.

That has to do with your mail server. We don’t provide any email services or any way for you to host email with us.

Besides the PHP version incompatibilities, the IMAP extension for PHP is not enabled on our hosting, so you cannot interact with your own mail server from here. Sending email does work, but if you want to receive email, then newsletter sending software is not what you’re looking for.

I don’t quite understand what exactly your situation is and what you’re trying to do, but I really doubt that our hosting is a good fit.


If you’re trying to set up email for the domain, you should note InfinityFree does not offer email hosting. You can still use external services to achieve that, though. We have some community guides on some, for example ImprovMX:


ok, thankyou. i dont have premium thats why i could not find it.

ok thankyou!

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