Slow script on forum

Because it has gotten to the point where I can barely run task manager parallel to another app.

Well… in the 20k users post, we went from celebrating to talking about random things.

I’ll try it out later today.


This is news to me because Chrome uses up to 300MB on my PC when FireFox could go over 750MB :slight_smile:


I thought I heard that Edge is now built upon Chrome, and that Opera’s just been changed recently in the same way, reducing diversity even more. Firefox is losing ground and is down to just 5% of users. Something’s been going badly wrong with browsers over the years though, and it show up if you use low-end computers. I used to have a hundred tabs open in Firefox without any problems, but it suddenly lost that ability and now crashes if you open just a few, and it does so every day, often multiple times. I used Opera more and more instead is it remained the most reliable browser, but since it changed to run on Chrome’s code, it crashes just about every day. Maybe the problem isn’t so much with the browsers though, but with the content of the sites they have to display - the amount of data involved keeps growing and the tangled mess of scripts puts more and more demands on the system, leading to collapse. We need artificial general intelligence to fix this by redesigning everything.


Bring back the good old little to no css and javascript libraries :upside_down_face:


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