Error Message
No error message just not displaying correctly
Other Information
Seems that no javascript isn’t being processed, my template is bootstrap and so isn’t display any content.
No error message just not displaying correctly
Seems that no javascript isn’t being processed, my template is bootstrap and so isn’t display any content.
Hi and welcome to the forum
On my part it seems fine
Make sure you don’t have a browser plugin that prevents JS
also try deleting browser cache or use private/incognito mode
It would be good to include loading="lazy"
(for imgs) much earlier than it is now in your code
to reduce the number of unnecessary HTTP REQs (100+)
because there is no need to call all the images
but only when the user comes to a particular section
You also have a lot of mp3 files that slow down the initial loading of the page
More speed and SEO would be achieved if you would break up a page into multiple pages so it is not all in one
without using anchors (#
) as is currently the case
instead than make each section as separate html file
because you have too much multimedia content waiting to be loaded and a lot of things happen to be all in one page
Thank you, much appreciated, it was good old Edge playing up
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