I checked your website and files and I see a few issues.
Your WordPress website is installed on your free subdomain starshopltd360.epizy.com, but the website URL configured in WordPress itself is starshopltd.com. But on your account, that domain only contains an index.php file that redirects back to your free subdomain.
So the URL https://starshopltd360.epizy.com/wp-admin/ doesn’t work because WordPress is configured to redirect it to https://starshopltd.com/wp-admin/. But on that domain is only a index.php file with a redirect, so the wp-admin directory is not found and returns the 404 error.
I assume you’re trying to migrate your website from your epizy.com domain to your .com domain? If so, you’ll probably want to move your website to the new domain like this:
WordPress already appears to be configured for your .com domain, so probably no changes are needed there.
Once the website is migrated, you may also want to setup a redirect from your free subdomain to your custom domain. You can do that through the Redirects tool in the client area (which will redirect the ENTIRE site, not just the home page).