Showing directory insteat of site


Your domain does not have an assigned IP so nothing is seen
Check on Cloudflare whether the domain points to a valid IP



i recently changed my nameserver to cloudfare namserver… should i changed it back with the old one??

check if the domain is within the orange cloud and to which IP it refers (on Cloudflare)

inside the green

there is nothing in my dns table

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understandable …that’s why we don’t see your domain

Please add the necessary records


Make sure to always take a backup before doing anything so nothing gets lost! I also recommend backing up everytime you add content as well.

You can backup your site by simply downloading all of it’s files via FTP, and exporting any databases that your site uses.

As for your actual problem, you can follow @Oxy‘s answer and everything should begin to work after a few hours (That are needed for DNS records to update everywhere)



oky and thank you so much

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hey done with these steps now i got https but still cant see the site

done with these steps n get https but still cant see site

Unfortunately, you may now be affected by this. It does look like HTTPS is working on your site, but we will know for certain once the issue below is resolved.

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Yep, that is one of the known things of the above issue. Can you see if you are on Volume #2? It should say it in the client area on the left-hand side.

client area showing this---- vol1_2

Your storage volume is currently down. As of now the issue is unknown

This is the admins message

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wht should i do now?? any suggestions?

You have two options

  1. Wait till the issue is resolved
  2. If you have a backup of the files inside the home directory, any database files you have… You can create a new hosting account and restore those data there. [DO NOTE: HAVING MORE THAT 3 HOSTING ACCOUNT IS A VIOLATION OF TOS. DELETE ONE IN THAT CASE]. If you dont have a backup if the sql data then i guess its fine cause you still can do that. CPanel is online. But do make sure you have all the files

This will help you if you are choosing option 2

i think i should wait! but wht u think why this happend? i only download the wp encryption plugin n site strt shwng error and ya i chnged the nameserver also

If you have a WP site it may be easier to wait and see how long it will take to fix it. Hopefully it will be fast, but who knows. If your site is custom coded, I would move it to a new account.