Hello everyone!
Just wondering if anyone knows of a program/service (or an idea of how to code) that does the following.
- “Add to Cart” Buttons
- “View Cart” Buttons
- Custom on site checkout experience (No pop-ups, new tabs. ect.)
- Add to cart buttons are added ANYWHARE on the site with an HTML block
- View Cart buttons can also be added anywhere with HTML
- A “View Cart Page”
- Simple to install on an existing website with products pages.
So PayPal, but with an onsite shopping cart and checkout. (I saw something in the PayPal docs that meets the above, but the instructions are so vague (Or I just don’t understand them), and I cannot find anything on YouTube (Kind of a surprise that YouTube is missing something)
Basically SnipCart (It is what I am looking for, and I don’t mind the 2% charge, but its the
*For clients with monthly sales under $500, the 2% will be replaced by a $10 monthly fee.
text that I don’t like (Not willing to spend that much!).
Thanks for anything you can suggest!