Shift Name Servers to sectigoweb

Yep, for code I use github and for the db I do take manual backups but I am looking to connect another remotesql for mirroring, is it possible? (noob question)

yes you can use free sql server to host sql data i guess. Is there any free SQL database server online? (

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A DDoS protected DNS service won’t do much to protect your website against DDoS attacks. A DDoS protected DNS service only means your domain’s DNS is better protected against attacks. You’ll probably have more luck with something that actually protects websites, like Cloudflare.

As for your DNS settings, I see you’ve added the A record for to Sectigo’s DNS correctly, but there is no record for the www subdomain. You can either setup a CNAME record for it and point it to your base domain, or create another A record and point it to the same IP address as your base domain.


I recommend you use Cloudflare to manage your DNS, as it will also allow you to create Firewall rules, protect your from DDoS attacks, and manage SSL, all for free.

Here is a guide to get you started if you wish:
A Full Guide To Cloudflare


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