Setting up cloudflare and cloudflare ssl not working

I am trying to setup cloud flare I already set the name servers in my domain registrar and I need to setup the A record in cloud flare so that requests can be forwarded to my website ip but I can find the website ip and also I was setting up ssl via cloud flare but the browser says the site can provide a secure connection.

Hello there,

If you’ve added a domain directly to Cloudflare, Cloudflare should give you some steps about automatic scanning of DNS records and Cloudflare will automatically add all the records of your InfinityFree account, Make sure that while adding your domain to Cloudflare you still didn’t change your nameservers to their nameservers or else Cloudflare can’t scan any DNS records from your site (this includes A records).
Also try selecting the “Flexible” option and see if that helps your SSL error.

To find your website IP.
Go to vPanel (Control Panel), and go to “Account Details”.

And then use a Domain IP finder tool.

And then you can add an A record manually.


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