Error Message
curl -v https : // vddl . great-site . net
Host was resolved.
schannel: disabled automatic use of client certificate
ALPN: curl offers http/1.1
ALPN: server accepted http/1.1
using HTTP/1.x
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/8.9.1
Accept: /
- Request completely sent off
- schannel: remote party requests renegotiation
- schannel: renegotiating SSL/TLS connection
- schannel: SSL/TLS connection renegotiated
- schannel: remote party requests renegotiation
- schannel: renegotiating SSL/TLS connection
- schannel: SSL/TLS connection renegotiated
- schannel: server closed abruptly (missing close_notify)
- closing connection #0
curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer
Other Information
how to fix it?