Resource Loading Issue - Safari

My website URL is: homehunt(dot)epizy(dot)com/mattity

What I’m seeing is: Website content noy loading on safari for MacOS and iOS.

I’m using this software: Safari browser

Additional information: Almost all resources are failing to load. I am getting a 200 response in the web degugger but content states an error occured trying to load the resource. I do not have this issue when hosting on IIS.

Sorry but the URLs are not entering correct in this forum. replace (dot) with periods.

Everything works well with me (firefox @ win10) - funny moments when children lie on the floor

Safari is not one of the better browsers :slight_smile: (Try another browser)
Try deleting cache and refresh
The question is, does it support webGL/2 Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

Is it enabled?

Safari 8 and later:

  1. From the menu bar, click Safari and then select Preferences
  2. Click Security
  3. Check Allow WebGL

temporary problem with your network ?

test result WebPageTest Test - Running web page performance and optimization tests...

My biggest issue is I need this to run on iOS devices. I have cleared cache with no success. I get safari is not the best but a huge number of people that access websites are on iOS devices so I need to support that.

I am a bit perplexed why webgl would be the issue here. As I mentioned I can use the same page deployed to IIS on an iOS device without issue.

Here is a test I ran choosing the safari browser on webpagetest.

If you look at the content tab it is interesting that the jpg requests are returning text/html data in my test. In yours it returnrs the jpg.

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