Request to use InfinityFree Logo


I want to show off how my sites are powered by InfinityFree, so I made this emblem in Kleki:

Question is: Am I authorized to use the InfinityFree logo [and this emblem] on my Websites, noting that I use InfinityFree services?

Showing off who provides my sites, people may become interested and check it out. It would be especially useful with my Games site, since I get quite a lot of viewers there.

I just want to confirm that I can use the logo, because I don’t want to get in any trouble, you know?

Thank you!

According to admin himself:


I don’t want to get in trouble by InfinityFree. While the admin does say that it’s OK to place a “Powered by InfinityFree” badge, confirmination via. direct contact or admin’s response to this Topic would re-assure me.

I was just wondering the same, since my site is just about ready for a full launch and I’d like to share with my viewers how I’m hosting.

I put one on my websites page ages ago (old logo) but forgot to ask at the time however I did ask later (much later) and the moderators said it was fine :+1:

And as Admin has said its ok in that thread I don’t see any issue :+1:


Yes, it’s still fine to have a powered by badge if you want.