Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails
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Dear InfinityFree Support Team & Community,
I am a novice but at least my first Infinity Free website was a success.
My problem is with my second website that was set up exactly as the first.
WordPress loaded successfully and the site was properly secured.
However, on my first and many subsequent attempts, I just cannot enter my site’s dashboard.
I carefully noted initially my username and password but am told that my password does not match my username. I then clicked on “Lost your password” and got the answer: “Please enter your username or email address.” I did both and got the following answer: “Error: The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails.”
Any advice on just how I can reach my dashboard will be greatly appreciated .
Thank you for your speedy reply! However, I did read this advice before I posted my request. The parts that I understand I cannot apply as I cannot get to my dashboard. The parts like mySQL, phpMyAdmin, FTP, WP CLI I do not understand due to my inability to code and lack of technical knowledge and how to apply it. Do you perhaps know the reason for my initial query: “The email could not be sent. Your site may not be correctly configured to send emails.”? Also, do you think I should rather cancel this site and start with another? Will I be able to re-use the current domain? Thank you - I do appreciate your time and advice!
Thank you so much. I succeeded through Softaculous. Is there a reason that my site that I now reached was again unsecured ( The certificate was issued) Should I re-apply again for a certificate? Gratitude.