Renew SSL using LetsEncrypt

epiz_30648262 Website URL =

hi all,

I setup a website 3 months ago with an SSL from Lets Encrypt
It’s now time to renew the SSL, but I’m really struggling to see how to do this

I’ve clicked on “Free SSL certificates”
I click “View” next to the expired SSL
I then click on “Renew”
the domain is showing correctly as
I click on “Check domain”
I choose the Lets Encrypt provider
It shows "Success - your SSL has been added! at the top

Then next to “Current destination” it shows a red “Not ready” icon

it says “Please complete the domain verification shown above” but I don’t know how to verify this?

I’ve gone into the CNAME function in the Control Panel and the details there on the “ADDED” record are the same as the “CURRENT DESTINATION” in the renewed page

Any help is really appreciated - thanks

Please click the link that says “View Instructions”. It goes to an article with step by step instructions.

Please make sure to remove any existing CNAME records with the same name.


I did click through to the instructions - this describes how to create a CNAME record for an SSL.

I thought that this is what I already have setup?
It is showing the same details for the CNAME record and DESTINATION on the VERIFY page as it does in the CNAME page

Do I have to delete the CNAME record I created in December to put in another CNAME with the same details?

Sorry for the questions, and thank you for your help

thanks for your help - all now sorted

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