Remove CSR

Hi, please delete the CSR for my domain as I am using Private Key and Certificate fenerated by Let’s Encrypt.


The CSR cannot be removed on the site’s SSL/TLS Control Panel form. Stay with it if you want to change certificate issuer later.

Hi @Ergastolator1,

Then If I keep the CSR and use Private Key and Certificate issued by Lets’s Encrypt and disable Cloudflare Universal SSL, then it shows this error:

How to fix it?


Re-enable Universal SSL or remove the domain from Cloudflare and change the nameservers to and, removing the other ones. For me it happened with, while searching a way to enable Cloudflare while maintaining the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate that was installed on my domain. So I disabled Universal SSL, and when I visited the page with Firefox… the same error as you! So I removed the domain from Cloudflare and put the old DNS records in place.

Ok, but after 3 months when the SSL wil expire, then how to regenerate SSL certificate without TXT record?

You can’t regenerate the certificate without TXT records, just because there is a security system that blocks even Let’s Encrypt ACME bot.

Note that if you’re using Cloudflare, then Cloudflare does the SSL handling for you. The SSL certificate you install on your hosting account can/will only be used to secure the connection between Cloudflare and your hosting account. Cloudflare can’t do SSL passthrough, so you need to have a valid SSL certificate at Cloudflare in order to use HTTPS with Cloudflare.

And unless you have a business or enterprise account (IIRC), the SSL certificate at Cloudflare is the Universal SSL certificate.

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