Regarding issues from December 3/4

As many of you have noticed, the hosting platform experienced an outage on the 3rd and 4th of December.

This resulted in a wide range of issues, including websites being unavailable, database connections not working, the control panel having errors and the client area reporting issues connecting to the hosting platform.

These issues were caused by a DDoS attack targeted at the main DNS servers of the free hosting platform.

This attack appears to be over now, and measures are being implemented as we speak to help prevent attacks like this from causing further issues.


2 posts were split to a new topic: CNAME status

Thank you for letting us about the outage, however I am still unable to upload any webpages or images into my file manager. When will the site be running back to normal again?

Sonoran Dawn

Our systems are running normally again as far as I can tell.

As for when your site will be up and running again, that depends on what issues you’re having, and what’s causing them.

So could you please:

  • Create a new topic in the Hosting Support category and explain the issue there?
  • Clearly explain what problems you have, and the website and account on which you have this issue?