Reconnect domain after add the site to cloudflare

### Website URL

Error Message

This site can’t be reached

Other Information

I connected my domain with Infinity Free nameserver then yesterday connected it with Cloudflare so I can’t access it now and remember there was another method with records to add to the domain provider the problem is I can’t find this name record on the account or cpanel and the domain shows up on the account as connected …how to find it

Please read


I know this guide and I have read it this is not my problem I successfully connected Cloudflare and know how to add records on it the problem is I can’t find records for connecting the domain again on Infintyfree…i can’t understand the server or domain problem the guide said that steps from 6-8 might be add by Cloudflare and it shows me on Cloudflare records are set

Read the guide. Obviously you did not read.
Otherwise you would know what to do…

This is the record you need


Please show your CloudFlare dns entry


I know you’re trying to help thank you for that but remember many are new to all of this and even the words is complex for us and we try to learn so be kind when answering someone I already say I read this and I skipped steps from 6-8 because it’s said it could happen automatically with cloudflare and I found on Cloudflare it’s checked all steps on the DNS tap

Although it can be automatically done by Cloudflare, that doesn’t mean it always is. And it wasn’t. Using a Dig tool has revealed that your domain has no A records, and trying to ping it goes nowhere.

The fact that those are there implies that they haven’t been done. In your defense, the checkmark is a little deceptive, and I don’t blame you for the confusion.
Please follow those steps from the Cloudflare guide you skipped before. That alone will allow your domain to point to your site successfully.


ok I will thank you for that…how do you know those stuff where I can learn this for the future because all those things are hard to understand …i read a while on Cloudflare to know how to use it but couldn’t understand a lot of things

i did it. it shows the website now thank you but all images are broken and the https is there, so should I follow the setup steps of the SSL on Cloudflare to not have a problem in the future or not it’s already there now

Ahh, a mixed content error. This happens when your site’s files are being served over regular HTTP while the site itself is using HTTPS. Thankfully I can tell by calls in your site’s source code that you’re using WordPress, which means it’s easy to fix. All you need to do is change your site’s URL in the WordPress config file from starting with “HTTP” to start with “HTTPS”. This official guide can give you more detailed instructions.

To be honest mostly trial and error from having used it for almost 10 years now. Cloudflare does have an official site that can help you get started though.

There are also third-party tutorials you can find that might be easier to understand, but could also be potentially incorrect or out of date.


thank you so much for helping

i do as the article and couldn’t log into my site anymore got error 508 when I changed to https and save it

I search and try methods on this article

and edited the file of wp-config.php and saved it then Clear Browser and Cache and still have it… i ask chat gpt too and said to edit this file and .htaccess both didn’t work for 3 hour now didn’t change

A 508 error means it’s stuck in an infinite loop.

You didn’t need to edit your .htaccess, not when you’re using WordPress or Cloudflare anyway. Can you please show us what you changed so we can see what’s going on?
And for future reference, please don’t blindly follow web hosting or coding advice from Chat-GPT, at least not without verifying that it’s correct from another source. It doesn’t know what it doesn’t know, and its information becomes outdated over time, especially with stuff that changes as frequently as website management.


i was try to fix it but i keep the original code a side when things not solve it i add the old one this is what gpt write

# BEGIN WordPress
# The directives (lines) between "BEGIN WordPress" and "END WordPress" are
# dynamically generated, and should only be modified via WordPress filters.
# Any changes to the directives between these markers will be overwritten.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

# Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS, including Cloudflare traffic
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On

# Check if the request is forwarded from Cloudflare as HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTP:CF-Visitor} '{"scheme":"http"} [OR]

# Check if X-Forwarded-Proto is not HTTPS
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Forwarded-Proto} !https [OR]

# Check if HTTPS is off
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off

# Redirect to HTTPS
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

there was edited to php file i made from the article that didn’t work and GPT didn’t work they were the same anyway… to be honest i try so many things that i can’t remember to fix this problem

You don’t need to do any of that because you’re using Cloudflare. By default Cloudflare forces all of your site’s visitors to HTTPS without changing any files or settings on the webserver. In fact, Cloudflare themselves recommends against using .htaccess rules to do that while using their services, as doing so causes the exact issue you’ve been having.

Your site was successfully making your traffic only use HTTPS before when it had a mixed content error. Can you please revert all of the changes you made to your .htaccess since that time? If you have other reasons for modifying the .htaccess you can address those separately, once your site is no longer stuck in a redirect loop.


but i do those changes as i get the error of 508 when I change the HTTP to HTTPS on WordPress because I couldn’t get to site …everything know as the beginning with no edited from me except the wp-config.php I add the code on the Wordpress article I share

now what to do …do I need to delete the site and set everything again from the begging

Can you please show us your wp-config.php file?

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this is the code i add to it

before this line * That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */

Try removing those lines and then editing the URL of your site in the general settings page of the WordPress admin area. It’s the first method the article describes. If that one is successful, you don’t need to do both.
Also for future reference, you’ll want to take regular backups of your site (the site’s files and perhaps more importantly with WordPress, the database) so that you can easily and reliably reverse changes. See the official knowledge base article on backing up your website for more information.


i can’t access the WordPress dashboard this problem happened in the first place because I edited the URL of your site in the general settings page of the WordPress admin area then it logged me out and gave me this error and all of that tries because I try to get to the site or dashboard …i don’t know if this happens because it was connected with Cloudflare and I shouldn’t edit the URL of your site in the general settings page of the WordPress admin area in the first place or what I search on the internet and couldn’t find a solution i think I will set up again …thank you for helping i take a lot from your time thank you again

I fixed and I will leave the steps for anyone in the future the wrong thing that caused all that was changing the HTTP to HTTPS in the WordPress dashboard setting even after deleting and reinstalling the WordPress the make the same change it causes the same problem you will not get enter your site even from the WordPress management in the panel…

what I do 1- pause the Cloudflare from the Cloudflare account then log into the WordPress
2- remove all the HTTPS and leave it HTTP Cloudflare will redirect to HTTPS anyway
3- enable Cloudflare again and leave it for a while then test again if I still can log in to my site and I can… another thing I discovered when I realized it’s from Cloudflare check SSL on Cloudflare option if it’s flexible it will cause problems changed to full.

the bad I lose everything and I will start from scratch again…i hope no one faces this again