Question/Need Help regarding SSL Certificate

Make sure to click on the certificate page again. It won’t go out of draft until you confirmed the request by clicking on “Request Certificate” in that page.

If that button doesn’t exist then you can tell the DNS propagation isn’t complete.


I can’t install it if I don’t even have it lol

How long does the DNS propagation last?

In which part of the process are you stuck? Are you following this guide?

Have you also done this?

DNS propagation in general can take up to 72 hours; but this shouldn’t be the case here, it should only take a few hours for the client area tool to detect the changes as mentioned in the article.

This thread is about a similar problem and may help:


Did what the guide said, did it yesterday then deleted and redid it all again. But it still says “no CNAME found”.

No SSL yet.

Followed the steps and added a CNAME.

Depending on how recently you redid it, you may have to wait a few hours again before it shows up. You can also try hard refreshing (Ctrl+F5/Ctrl+Shift+R) / clearing your browser’s cache and revisiting the page.


Redid it like 2 hours ago, already tried doing Ctrl + F5. Also tried logging into another computer to do it but still same thing.

same issue.

That shouldn’t matter, the DNS checks are done from (and cached on) the server.

I looked into it and it seems that the client area was unable to query the free hosting nameservers to check the CNAME record was present. That’s why the CNAME check showed the record was missing: we were simply unable to confirm it was present.

That should be better now.


It is now ready, thank you.

Once I uploaded the Private Key and Certificate this message shows. What do I do now?

I would say, ignore the control panel functionality entirely, because there is a big “Install SSL Certificate Automatically” button you can click instead to handle the installation.

If you do insist on going doing by hand what a single button can do for you, then please make sure to first paste in the private key and click Upload Key, then paste in the certificate and click Upload Certificate. Pasting in both and clicking Upload Certificate won’t upload the private key, and so you’ll get this message.


Hey, my other domain ( isnt working (im trying to make a button on my main site, to direct users to that site when clicked.) can you help fix it? Also is their a way where I can do something like

It’s obvious that you haven’t placed anything in that site’s folder, so it will just be 403.

<a href="//">Some text</a>

is the simplest way, I checked your site and I don’t really understand why you insist on using <button>.

Create a folder called quranmiracles inside htdocs, then put a new index.html with new content in it.


IF uses Linux servers (Like most hosting providers), so files are case-sensitive. Its index.html with a lowercase i, not Index.html.

Just create a folder and call it quranmiracles, then put an index.html or index.php file inside of it

Also, don’t post in more then one spot, it just makes everything really confusing


Got it working, the issue was capital I and not a lowercase i. Another question, is it possible to make or get a domain like (main domain) then a /quranmiracles so it becomes Is that possible? Also do I need to get a certificate for this site? (First Image)


Nevermind, fiqured it all out, thanks for helping me Greenreader

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