My free google ssl is not installing

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Error Message

SSL says Draft

Other Information

I followed the steps in knowledge base but about 48 hour later still says Draft.

Should i do something manually or just wait a day or two more?


Could you please share a screenshot of how is it still in draft?

Also the request don’t automatically go out of draft, you have to visit the request page again and click on “Request Certificate”.


If you’re waiting for it to go out of Draft status, you will wait a very long time. Because a certificate never goes out of Draft status automatically. You yourself have to take action to move the order along.

Also, it should only take a few hours at most to create the SSL certificate. You’ve waited unnecessarily a lot already, please don’t waste your time by waiting any longer.

Please click the Manage button next to the certificate and read the information presented on that page. It should tell you what to do next.


So my second subdomain also went to ssl draft.

Heres What I did:

Click on FreeSSCertificates in the horizontal top menu

Next Click the purple button +New SSL Certificate

Than enter just the domain name in the Domain field ( ), leave recommended provider selected and click the button + Create Order

Than it takes me to Step 3: Set up DNS Records

Please set up the following CNAME record on your domain name. This record is necessary for the certificate provider to verify you own the domain name.

We can set up the CNAME records for you automatically on [if0_35868042]

Your domain name is using InfinityFree nameservers. Click the button below to set up the CNAME record.
And I click the purple button Setup CNAME Records Automatically

After that a Red Delete Certificate Order button appears on the bottom.

I click the link on top breadcrumbs to go to sslCertificates and there I see My SSL certificates are Drafts

Please tell me what am I doing wrong.

Unless there is some internal problem you should follow this procedure:


The answer exists between these buttons. In the middle of the main card on the page is the Setup CNAME button. In the card below that at the bottom is the delete button.

But, (assuming the CNAME record was setup correctly), at the bottom of the main card is another button: Request Certificate.

And I think you can guess what that button does.


Me so Dumb

I thought that Setup CNAME Records Was the last step and that Request Certificate button was to retry :slight_smile:



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