Therefore at 05:02 Tuesday 28 April (in 00 hours, 03 minutes) your account will be activated again where you will regain full access!)

Hello, why hasn’t my account been activated yet? And the second question, so slow and lazy is your paid hosting ??? I’m testing your hosting for future use, but the speed is desperate, this includes both FTP and the web.

Dobrý den, proč dosud nebyl můj účet aktivován? A druhá otázka, tak pomalý a líný je i Váš placený hosting??? Testuji, Váš hosting pro budoucí použití, ale rychlost je zoufalá, to se týká i FTP a webu.

Hello there

Sometimes it doesn’t really get reactivated exactly at 24 hours, it would take a few more additional minutes.

Nope, the paid hosting plan is faster than free hosting, the servers are using SSD which is faster than normal. Also you can get free Cloudflare railgun from premium hosting which originally cost $200 but you get it for free if you buy a premium plan. Cloudflare railgun make your site really, really, really fast.
If you want to know more about railgun check here:


Oh, so reactivation after 30.5 hours is okay? If in this way you give the opportunity to try your services, then I will probably look for more reliable services elsewhere. I am very dissatisfied that I could not even complete the installation of a regular website without exceeding your limit. Just the fact that about 3000 files up to 20k in size, was transferred to your FTP for more than 40 minutes and the page will load in about 15 seconds, admirable speed, look at your competition, for example, unfortunately for me they have less space for pages.

Aha, takže reaktivace po 30,5 hodiny je v pořádku? Pokud tímto způsobem dáváte možnost si vyzkoušet Vaše služby, tak to budu hledat asi spolehlivější služby jinde. Jsem velmi nespokojený, že jsem ani nemohl dokončit instalaci běžného webu, aniž bych nepřekročil Váš limit. Už jen to, že cca 3000 souborů o velikosti do 20k, se přenášelo na Váš FTP déle než 40 minut a stránka se načte zhruba za 15 vteřin, obdivuhodná rychlost, podívej te se na Vaši konkurenci, třeba, bohužel pro mě mají méně místa pro stránky.


Nope, I didn’t know that 30.5 hours has already passed for you and your site isn’t activated still. The normal time of your site to get reactivated should be only 24 hours.

The free hosting plan was only meant for simple websites that does not use too much server resources and does not use too much served space. What are those 3,000 files of that is up to 20,000 MB (?) in size? This free hosting service was not meant to be a file hosting service but a hosting for really simple sites like a basic HTML, a basic WP site. This is probably why you got suspended in the first place.

It could be because your files are way too big and is not well optimized. Maybe your files has scripts that are very heavy to run as well.

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Mně ten hosting připadá rychlý a když si taky z čr skus nějakého proviedra u nás?

The total size is only 11Mb and if I count well, I was talking about a maximum of 60Mb (20Kb x 3000), if you run the numbers as web hosting, then I’m not surprised …
Celková velikost je pouze 11Mb a pokud dobře počítám, mluvil jsem max o 60Mb (20Kb x 3000), pokud Vám jdou počty jako webhosting, tak to se už nedivím…

This is a simple CMS system, is it so demanding for your hosting? … I don’t understand your sales policy …

Jedná se o jednoduchý CMS system, to je pro Váš hosting tak náročné?.. Nerozumím Vaší politice prodeje…

By the way, my site has been down for 31,5 hours, it’s a common punishment, what will be the punishment next time? …

Mimochodem, můj web je již 31,5 hodin mimo provoz, je to běžný trest, jaký trest bude příště?..

Napsal si technické podpoře?

Hooray, just launched, from 04.27.20 05:02 to 04.28.20 12:20 …


@yellow_pikachu please speak in English.

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It can take up to 1hr for a domain to be reactivated

from 04.27.20 05:02 to 04.28.20 12:20 the services were out of order, it is not 1 hour …
od 04.27.20 05:02 do 04.28.20 12:20 byly služby mimo provoz, to není 1 hodina…

No, it’s not OK. Reactivations are supposed to be started 24 hours after the suspension was completed, and usually take less than 10 minutes.

In your case, your account was reactivated after 25 hours and 15 minutes. That’s a lot better than 30 hours, but still more than it should.

To quote our website’s home page:

Is InfinityFree a demo, trial or sample for premium hosting?

Absolutely not! InfinityFree is fully featured, completely free website hosting. We provide promotional offers for alternative, premium services for people looking for more, but their services are very different. InfinityFree is not a representation of these offers.

If you want to try iFastNet’s premium hosting, then try iFastNet’s premium hosting. Don’t go use a different, free service and complain it’s not as good as premium hosting.

No, our free hosting isn’t as good as premium hosting. Why on earth would we give paying customers less than ones who get our services for free?


Thank you for your response,
How can I believe that your services that are paid for are quality when your unpaid hosting is underdeveloped and unreliable. I understand the need for services to be limited when I’m just testing and not paying, but so much? I did not even manage to install a common application with an average range, try to be inspired by, there are limited services, data transfer, not speed. Do you think that loading the page in about 15 seconds is enough? … It seems silly to me to switch to paid hosting, if your services are already a disaster in the base. How can I believe that paid services will be good when resuming services after shutdown takes more than 30 hours compared to the 24 hours you declare.

Děkuji za reakci,
Jak mohu věřit, že Vaše služby, které jsou placené jsou kvalitní, když Váš neplacený hostyng je podprůmětný a nespolehlivý. Chápu že je nutné aby byli služby omezeny, když jen testuji a neplatím, ale tak moc? Nezvládnul jsem nainstalovat ani běžnou aplikaci s průměrným rozsahem, zkuste se inspirovat na, tam jsou služby omezeny, přenosem dat, ne rychlostí. Myslíte si, že načítání stránky cca 15 vteřin je dostatečné?.. Mě se zdá hloupé přejít na placený hosting, pokud už v základu jsou Vaše služby katastrofa. Jak mohu věřit, že placené služby budou kvalitní, když obnovení služeb po odstavení trvá víc jak 30 hodin oproti 24 hodinám, které deklarujete.

The shutdown took place: from 04-27-20 05:02 and should have ended, see:
Therefore at 05:02 Tuesday 28 April (in 00 hours, 03 minutes) your account will be activated again where you will regain full access!)
Your e-mail about the end of the outage:
InfinityFree [email protected] Unsubscribe
04-28-20 12:20

It’s really not 25 hours if I count well …

Odstávka proběhla: od 04-27-20 05:02 a měla být ukončena viz:
Therefore at 05:02 Tuesday 28 April (in 00 hours, 03 minutes) your account will be activated again where you will regain full access!)
Váš e-mail o ukončení odstávky:
InfinityFree [email protected] Unsubscribe 04-28-20 12:20

To opravdu není 25 hodin pokud dobře počítám…

Please note that the client area is in UTC and the control panel is in EST. You’re comparing the suspension time from the control panel with the reactivation time from the client area. That’s 25 hours with a 5 hour time difference, hence it looks like 30 hours if you mix the timestamps.

If you check the Deactivation History in the client area, you’ll see it’s 25 hours. If you compare the time stamp from the email we sent you when your account was suspended and the one from when your account is reactivated, you’ll see they’re separated by 25 hours.

To quote our home page again:

What parts of “very different” and “not a representation” are not clear to you?

I understand why you’re not happy with the service you’ve received. But assuming unrelated paid hosting is bad because the free hosting isn’t what you expected just makes no sense.

Again, if you want to try premium, then try premium.


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