Please help me thank you

Website URL

(please specify the URL of the site on which you are experiencing the problem)

I want to know how i got 50,000 hits in a day on my website. I’ve worked so much on my website and i can’t even save my work because it’s temporary suspended. Atleast please allow me to save my work, i don’t understand how it’s hitting 50.000 a day when it’s only myself working on that. Please any help would be great

(please share the FULL error message you see, if applicable)

Other Information

(other information and details relevant to your question)

Please read


is there a way i can see how many hits i am getting per day atleast so it doesn’t happen again? also i want to download my work and it’s not letting me. It’s work related so it’s important for me to save the backup and the work i did through FTP , could you send me to my email ?

Your daily hits usage for a specific hosting account
can be viewed from the “Statistics” page in the client area, though do note that the counter isn’t updated in real time.

Sorry, but your site’s content is inaccessible when it’s suspended. And nobody on the forums has the ability to generate or send backups to you; only you can do that. This is why it’s important to take regular backups while your site is online, or develop it locally.


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