Please HELP! How to upload my Website?

Hi Sirs/Ma’ams,

I am new here in InfinityFree hosting, I am also new in making webpage and uploading it.

Can you help me to work with my webpage? What first thing to do?

e.g., Step1: Go to Control Panel/File Manager… etc…

Thank you in advance!

Continueing your path. Then click on upload button on button. Then click on upload files to upload your files.

If you want to upload a folder with its files. Click on upload folder

I suggest you use a FTP client to do that, if you’re working with multiple files:

because file managers are sometimes buggy.

And, you must upload your website files in the htdocs/ folder!


I already uploaded all contents of my webpage.

Please see ss below:

Now, how can I access my webpage thru browser? Or should I need to do more steps?

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

Seen that you uploaded all the files on My Tutorial Webpage/Files inside the htdocs folder you need to access it by visiting yourdomain/My%20Tutorial%20Webpage/Files/ on your browser. If you want to access it only by visiting yourdomain/, you should move the files inside htdocs.

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Ok, this is noted.

Already working. Thank you!

Kindly, close this thread. Resolved!

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