Please fix the issue above and resend the message, or sign up with a different email address

Why i have this error?

I tried to create an account for my uncle but suddenly there was a problem here. This is the email I tried to register with, just delete it so I can register again.

Unlisted for security concern

The error handling is a bit vague, but it appears that our email provider reported a complaint for this email message. A Complaint message means that the recipient marked the message as spam, and reported this back to our email provider.

When this happens, the email is blocked at our email provider because apparently they don’t want to receive our emails. And I think our code doesn’t handle it entirely correctly, because I doubt that resending the message works.

I can make the necessary changes to remove that email address from the blocklist. However, it’s up to your uncle to make sure that he doesn’t flag the email as spam again. And if Microsoft flagged the email for him, that he should mark the message as not spam.

Can you please confirm that you and your uncle can do this?


Yes, everything is ok. and sent the verification email it arrived and worked. I think my uncle’s hotmail is completely bugged, delaying the sending of the email to the microsoft account

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