epiz_24257854 at marigold.epizy.com here. I am using a Mac (Mojave) with Chrome Browser. Created a MySQL db via cpanel. Clicked ADMIN button after creating DB. Loads phpmyadmin, with no left-side navigation frame (DB explorer). Clicked on Database tab in phpmyadmin, Create Database label, button exists; no way to enter name. Underneath it says “No databases”. Far right, clicking on tiny window icon reveals navigation frame that was missing, but text there reports “No databases”. I can go back to cpanel/mysql databases and see my database sitting there. Phpmyadmin has no idea it exists…My db name is epiz_24257854_test and my host is sql309.epizy.com. HELP PLEASE!
Have you tried to clear cookies and cache?
And please compile the template next time you post, instead of writing all the contents of the topic above and leaving it empty!
I tried created a test1 database as you recommended and my original post still holds true. No left-side navigation frame (DB explorer) in phpmyadmin which shows my databases!
Our phpMyAdmin installation was customized, because normally your database user does not have permission to list the available databases. This is why the database list in the sidebar is missing, and why you cannot get back to your database if you click the wrong button in phpMyAdmin.
When you’re logged in to a specific database, you should see a list of tables in the current database, from where you can make changes to the current database. If you want to see another database, you will have to click the phpMyAdmin button for the other database in the control panel.
So you should still be able to manage all databases, even if it works a little bit different from what you’re used to.
Does that help you solve the issue or are you still unable to manage your databases?