July 22, 2022, 12:09pm
(http://www.familyfox.co.uk/rsvp/index.php )
Am I missing something? I have uploaded a php mail script but no email is being generated. Is there a specific section the this should have been uploaded to? Please advise.
Hello, on InfinityFree, PHP mail is restricted and most messages will be rejected by the system. For more info:
The most common way to send email from your website is by using the PHP mail() function. PHP mail() is an easy to use email system built into the PHP programming language. It’s the default setting for almost all applications.
However, PHP mail is severely restricted on InfinityFree. To prevent spam and other abuse, most messages sent through PHP mail are rejected by the mail system. In practice, this means you cannot use PHP mail on InfinityFree to send your email.
If you want to send email fr…
Instead, you can use something like Gmail SMTP to send e-mails:
Outgoing email with PHP mail() is heavily restricted on InfinityFree. Fortunately, you can still whatever email you want using an external email service.
There are many external email providers to choose from. InfinityFree doesn’t restrict sending email with external providers. Almost all of them have paid plans, but some have free tiers too. Most of them support sending email over SMTP, some of them have custom APIs, libraries and plugins which you can use too.
A simple way to get started qui…
July 29, 2022, 1:11pm
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