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images not shown suddenly tonight
Other Information
tag is ok, GdImage read images not work
images not shown suddenly tonight
tag is ok, GdImage read images not work
It seems that there was an issue yesterday where the GD extension for PHP was missing or not configured correctly. This was likely caused by an error during a routine PHP upgrade.
I just had a look and as far as I can tell the issue was fixed. Do you still experience this problem?
Not working still
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg()
I don’t see any issue on either of your sites. Should there be any visible issues on either of those pages from the GD functions not working?
all pages GD functions not working, for example:
This is an on-going issue Unable to upload photos.
Here’s my website :
Yes, I have told this in many different topics. For further questions and updates, please check the official announcement topics.
Please don’t create additional topics about this and engage in all of them. We’re aware of the issue and are doing our best to get this resolved as soon as possible. Please don’t spam the forum: we already know the issue exists, and making more noise about it won’t speed up the fix.