PHP code questions and which plan to choose

I would like to use a site builder, however a free version is limited, here briefly I can describe want I like to do. I would want in a menu five items: home, download, buy, contact (form), and also invisible item ( after successful payment page). Home page will have some pics, text, YouTube video. Download will have an uploaded file of my small software which around 2 GB (it is large because of some small short videos it uses). Buy: will contain an image with a link leading to a square payment which was created in my square account. Contact : just a contact form for the user. And finally the last page is post payment page, which I will include into my square link after successful payment (the reason I want your PHP service for). I already created a My SQL database with table on my PHP My Admin localhost on my SSD drive.
To make it brief, I have a visual studio windows form application in C# which requires a licensing feature.
When the user clicks on “Buy” button it will open up the website, and after the successful payment it will redirect to a certain webpage URL.
There I would want using PHP language to do a few tasks.
Getting PC ID, like PC ID = CPU + Motherboard ID.
Then generate a random license key for the end user. Then inserting into a PHP my admin database, like PC ID, Name, email and a randomly generated a license key. And displaying it on a screen a license key as well. Also, maybe emailing automatically a license key to a provided email address.
Can it be done with PHP code on infinity free server or I have to create functions with Node.js (maybe), or those functions can be created with PHP code?
I never have done this before, so that is why I am asking all of these. Also I would like to use a site builder , so which plan should I take? Can it be more economical, like $1.2 per month a “starter” plan or it has to be at least “standard” plan with the things I would like to accomplish, and of course I probably will have questions alone the way. Let me know, thanks in advance.

Hi! Welcome to the forum!

You may want to think few more times before purchasing a plan. The site builder only generates static webpages. It is useful for creating websites quickly without taking too much time and effort (just like how a common website editor does).

From the description you’ve provided, your website requires server-side processing. And the site builder does not have an ability to help you with that. You can use it to speed up the development though. Just do not expect that it will give you a complete dynamic web application from scratch.

File storage, backup and sharing. Our servers are optimized for website files, not storing and sharing large files. File hosting services like Dropbox, Mega, Backblaze or Amazon S3 are much better suited for this.

File-sharing is not allowed as described in this article. You should store the files elsewhere and share the links of the files hosted from a file sharing service into your website. Just make sure that it will not violate the terms of service.

As far as I know, Node.js is not available on free-hosting accounts. You should program your backend code in PHP instead. It can be done in PHP the way Node.js does. You may want to research about how to implement a CRUD application in PHP. I guess there are tons of resources and forums available online to help you with that. Unfortunately the help you can get in this forum is limited.


@JavesPotato said the most important things already, but there are a few things I would like to add.

I don’t think using the website builder would be a good fit for you. The key part of your website is that it should act as a license server for your desktop app, and the site builder doesn’t have that feature. It’s just too specific of a feature with too many caveats.

And if you can build your own desktop app that needs the license server, then you should be able to code the corresponding license server too.

That license server could be built in basically any programming languages, there is no reason why Node.js would be more capable of this than PHP.

However, note that you probably will not be able to host the license server on our free hosting. The license check calls from your application will probably be blocked by this security system:

You could find another host for the license server, and still host the website and billing stuff with us (but have your website “provision” the license on the external license server). Or you could consider premium hosting, which doesn’t have this restriction.


Hi, thanks for all replying to this topic, so does infinity free premium hosting allow server-side processing? If it does which plan, send me the link, if not can anyone recommend anything would do the job. I would like to perform all the things (functions) via target web browser, so that it is on auto pilot mode. However, my program can do all of those functions and form can be submitted but I cannot be by the computer 24 hours waiting for an email or a message on any messenger and respond right away. Thia is why I ideally would like to have to be on the server. Let me know, thanks in advance.

Infinity free don’t actually offer their own premium plans. If you follow the premium link you’ll see it takes you to Ifastnet who provide the actual premium hosting.

I’m afraid I don’t know much about their plans to advise you further, but I’m sure their website will have the information you’re looking for


InfinityFree only has one plan, and the only backend languages that are supported are PHP and MySQL.

But you contradict yourself, but cause performing actions on a web browser is not server-side processing.

As long as you are using a browser, you can submit input to PHP code running on the server.


There seems to be a misunderstanding. Infinityfree only provides free web hosting services. It allows server-side processing in general, but it does not mean your license server will run, due to the reasons being stated by the @Admin.


Thanks so much, will try Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Dedicated Server, VPS Server

Best regards to all.

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