Photos can not showing

Website URL

Error Message

Other Information

It should be like this:

Interestingly i can see photos on my phone. But i can not see from my pc.

I didn’t see any problem.


It might be an issue on your network or device. It would be better if you could provide the logs and the screenshot of the network tab from your browser’s developer tool.


Thank you for helping firstly. Yeah i dont have any problem on my phone. Could be is it about certificate? There is no certificate in my website

What makes you think that it has something to do with SSL certificates?

Even though SSL certificates can help improve the overall security of the website, I don’t think it can help you fix the problem if it is not related to the problem at all.

I mean the images were not fetched with HTTPS protocol and it should not trigger mixed content problem in your website. If your browser enforces HTTPS protocol, then your hypothesis makes sense.


Thank you for everything. Probably it is about Opera. I checked my website on Microsoft Edge. So there is no problem. Thank youu!


I certificated my website. Now my problem solved on Opera too. So Opera does not show some images of website which one not certificated website.

I’m glad that your problem has been solved by installing an SSL certificate to the website. Do not forget to enforce the HTTPS protocol. You can read and follow the instructions from this article:


Anyway I couldn’t see like in the screenshot given by you

I’m getting the same issue as you.

Viewing the page source, it seems that the page is looking for the images at*** and cant find the images.

Are the images in the folder htdocs/wwwroot/img? or are they elsewhere?

I’ve looked at the dev console when I load your site, and can’t see any obvious errors…


For example:

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Yes unfortunately it is still same in some devices. I can not see photos when i open website from hidden tab

Ah shucks. I was kind of hoping it was going to be a typo or a path issue… something simple.

No such luck…

Is it only specific browsers that have the problem? I’ve just tried edge, chrome and Operagx. but they are all chrom based browsers


I can see photos on my safari browser but my friend can not see. He told me that website looks like not certificated. but it looks like certificated on me. It is interesting problem.

Please make sure all file extensions are in lowercase because the servers are case-sensitive. For example, this doesn’t exist and will return a 404:
but this does:


I fixed it but for example it is still same on Microsoft Edge.

Have you cleared your cache? Edge is a sod for its Cache causing problems

seems to be working on edge for me now:


Its problem. On Opera:

On Edge: