Paid hosting and SEO benefits

Hello everyone. I have a new website that is slowly starting to grow and also got accepted in Google News, all while using free hosting service. I want to know if upgrading my hosting to a paid service would help it to rank better in Google and grow faster, or there is no difference.

Thank you so much.

Not necessarily. If you have a free subdomain it will rank lower because Google doesn’t like them. However, there are a multitude of factors that come in to SEO ranking and that is beyond the scope of this forum. Someone here might be experienced enough to give you tips, but that’s not me. Otherwise, you can search up websites that specialize in SEO (SEO checkers will not work because of the security system but that can fixed with Cloudflare if you have a custom domain).

Technically, yes. Because your website would be able to handle more traffic and would load faster. That would lead to more visitors, thus increasing your website’s popularity.


4 posts were split to a new topic: IP’s, trustworthiness, SEO and the kitchen sink

Adding this quote here as I feel it is relevant to this discussion:


In short, everything can be reduced to this:

  • Content Relevance and Quality - Google places a lot of importance on high-quality and relevant content. Factors include topic relevance, keyword usage, originality, depth of content, and expertise demonstrated.

  • User Experience Signals - Google evaluates a website’s quality using user experience metrics. The factors include the speed at which the page loads, its compatibility with mobile devices, ease of navigation, low bounce rate, and high engagement metrics, such as time on page and click-through rates.

  • Backlinks and Link Authority - Backlinks from relevant and authoritative websites are seen as endorsements of a web page’s relevance and quality. Factors include the quality, number, and diversity of backlinks and the authority of linking domains.

  • Mobile Friendliness - A mobile-friendly website that offers a smooth experience across devices is essential, given the surge in mobile usage. This includes mobile usability, mobile page speed, and responsive design.

  • Page Load Speed - Fast-loading pages provide a better user experience and are favored by Google. Over 50 percent of site visitors abandon the website if it takes too long to load. Hence, you stand a higher chance of making the first page on search results if your site loads faster. Factors include compressed images, efficient server response times, caching techniques, and optimized code.

  • Domain Authority and Trust: Google also uses the trustworthiness and authority of a domain to determine its ranking. Some of the things they consider include domain history, domain age, the presence of span signals, and the general trustworthiness of the site.

Search engines, as well as most antivirus tools, look at the domain
and let’s say if they see that the domain is valid two or more years in advance
then they think that you, as the owner, are serious,
unlike domains that are made to scam someone and are only valid for 1 year

Therefore, it is useful to renew the domain for 2 or more years in advance


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