Page not found


Please check to make sure you’ve typed the URL correctly.

This webserver is CaSe SenSiTiVe so ensure capital letters in the URL match the files uploaded.

I have same issue before. But I rename some Controllers and Page name. Then it works. You have to rename the Page that was not found (Change the name)

non of the pages is working

Your website works fine for me, if you have added the domain to the account recently then please note that it may take up to 72 hours to show to everyone.


send me a screenshot from yourside

There you go.


alright but then i deleted the nameservers from the domain and added it back is it going to keep that long ?

That was an unnecessary move since your website showed fine to others, this is caused by DNS caching abd the issue will go away after a few hours. You only have to wait.


what could cause an error like this

You can read more about it


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