Whenever I want to upload a file using the online FTP client, it fails with this message. No matter what file size, it fails anyways. I use FileZilla most of the time, but if I am using a computer that I can’t use FileZilla on [chromebook, for example] then this would be the only option for me to use. I can’t upload files with this, and it’s painful to make a page on my site that would allow me to do this task.
Unfortunately, this bug can’t be fixed for some reason. I’m not sure why, but it’s probably because it is hard to identify the bug. this bug only occurs in the online file manager. Most other FTP clients including Filezilla don’t encounter this problem. Since you can’t have FileZilla on your Chromebook, you can find another FTP client that allows you to upload and manage your files.
Not really. Web applications are just not meant to use FTP, and chromebooks are not meant for web management and have very strong management tools built into the OS. I would look into getting a hand-me-down computer, visiting your local library, or borrowing a friend or family members machine.
I found that I could download the free copy of the Monsta FTP tool from their site and host it on the website Http://jftp.rf.gd , which could suffice. While some features are limited or disabled on the free version, I wouldn’t mind. The only thing is, I don’t know if I’m allowed to do this. If I’m not allowed, then I can take it down.
That’s the exact same thing as what is available on filemanager.ai (It’s just the enterprise version), so I would imagine you would run into the exact same issues.
So far, using the one on my recently created site is working better than the one hosted on filemanager.ai. I could upload and download files from any of my accounts without issues. I wonder if the one hosted on filemanager.ai doesn’t like multiple users using the service, or if the version being used isn’t updated or something, but I don’t know.
I’m just going to use the Monsta FTP client that I installed on https://jftp.rf.gd. Since Monsta offers a 45-day trial, I’m going to use that. When the trial expires, I’ll decide on licensing, but for now I’m going to call this a solution to my problem.
If anybody else has an issue related to this, I guess this could also be a solution to their problem. I don’t have plans to take the site offline.